GERONTE is led by an interdisciplinary high-skilled consortium of European experts in oncological and geriatrics medical research, health economics and healthcare management, as well as stakeholders represented by a civil association for digital literacy and active aging and an international learned society, and completed with a start-up company specialised in developing ICT smart data visualization solutions in healthcare.
Browse our partners below to learn more about their role in the GERONTE project
Université de Bordeaux

Université de Bordeaux (UBx) is one of the largest research and higher education institution in France. Public health and translational cancer research is internationally recognised and benefits from a close partnership with CNRS, Inserm, Bordeaux University Public hospital and Institut Bergonié.
Role in project. Prof. Pierre Soubeyran is Professor of Oncology and head of ACTION, and director of reseach at Institut Bergonié. Prof. Pierre Soubeyran is GERONTE scientific consortium coordinator. UBx is responsible for overall coordination of the project, and will make a major contribution to the coordination and methodology of the clinical trials in collaboration with its linked third-parties Institut Bergonié and CHU Bordeaux.
Participant 2
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

KU Leuven (KUL) is the largest university in Belgium in terms of research funding and expenditure. UZ Leuven (University Hospital Leuven), part of KU Leuven is the largest hospital and cancer centre in Belgium, with about 2000 beds, and 35000 unique cancer patients yearly visiting the cancer center.
Role in project: Prof. Hans Wildiers is head of the clinic at the department of general medical oncology at KUL/UZ Leuven where he coordinates the geriatric oncology program. KUL is leader of work-package 4, sponsor and national investigator for the GERONTE clinical trial led in Belgium and the Netherlands.

Participant 3
Stichting Diakonessenhuis

The Netherlands
The Diakonessenhuis (DIAK) is a community hospital of 3000 employees including 23 research staff, for whom care for chronically ill patients, older patients and those with cancer represent three of the five main focal points. The department of geriatric medicine has been involved in multiple transmural projects to optimize care for multimorbid older adults, including to optimize transition for hospital to primary care.
Role in project: Dr Marije Hamaker is a geriatrician working at DIAK since 2010, specialized in geriatric oncology and focusing on optimizing decision making through geriatric assessment and patient-centred outcome measures. Dr Marije Hamaker is GERONTE data manager. DIAK is leader of Work-package 1 and national investigator of the GERONTE clinical trial led in Belgium and the Netherlands.
Participant 4
Oslo University Hospital

Oslo Universitetssykehus HF (OUS) is a highly specialised hospital in charge of national, regional and local hospital assignments. The hospital is Scandinavia’s largest with 23600 employees including 1543 research staff and carries out more than 1.2 million patient treatments yearly. It has several national centers of expertise, and is closely integrated with the University of Oslo.
Role in project: Prof. Siri Rostoft is a senior consultant geriatrician and professor of geriatric medicine. OUS is task leader and will make a major contribution to the definition of information standards in Work-Package 1.
Participant 5
University College Dublin

University College Dublin (UCD) is a top 1% university worldwide and has 1,611 PhD students, 1,727 Academic staff (FTEs) and 1,920 Support staff. Medical research at UCD benefits from an internationally renowned medical school and a dedicated research hub at St Vincent’s University Hospital, including a new centre for geriatric oncology.
Role in Project: Dr. Shane O’Hanlon is associate clinical professor at UCD and consultant geriatrician at St Vincent’s university Hospital. UCD is task leader and will make a major contribution to the definition of information standards in Work-Package 1.
Participant 6

E-Seniors is a senior citizens’ association based in Paris and founded in 2005. E-Seniors aims at promoting e-inclusion by offering ICT training to seniors. E-Seniors fosters engagement that enables to build e-solutions that correspond to the target users’ needs, capacities and motivations.
Role in project: Monique Epstein and her team at E-seniors has a long-standing of user-focused participation in collaborative projects on ICT tools and healthy aging financed by European programmes. Eseniors is leader of Work-Package 6.
Participant 8
Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi

Established in 1902, Università Bocconi is a university of international standing in business, economics and law. Within the university, the Center for Research in Healthcare and Social Management, CERGAS, has heavily invested in the area of health economics and Health Technology Assessment (HE&HTA), health policy, healthcare management, social policy and service management.
Role in Project: Prof. Rosanna Tarricone is Associate Dean at SDA Bocconi, School of Management and Associate Professor in Public Administration at Università Bocconi, Department of Social and Political Science. Bocconi is leader of Work-Package 3.
Participant 9
International Society of Geriatric Oncology

SIOG is a learned society of over 1,900 members in more than 75 countries around the world. The SIOG network includes geriatricians, medical oncologists, surgical oncologists, radiation oncologists, anesthesiologists, nurses and allied health professionals.
Role in project: Dr Najia Musolino is chief executive officer at SIOG, and GERONTE communication and dissemination manager. SIOG is leader of Work-Package 7.
Participant 10
Dublin City University

Dublin City University (DCU) was founded in 1981 and comprises over 16,000 students across five faculties including over 2600 postgraduate students. It is a young, dynamic and ambitious university of 650 employees with a distinctive mission to transform lives and societies through education, research and innovation. Within DCU, ADAPT is a SFI Funded Research Centre for Digital Content Management, a international hub of scientific expertise that supports collaborative innovation to unlock the potential of digital content, empower and enhance online engagement between people, and promote creativity, competitiveness and entrepreneurship.
Role in Project: Prof. Anthony Staines is deputy director of the DCU centre for e-Integrated care with goal to better integrate information technology in day-to-day health care of citizens and focusing on health information. DCU is leader of Work Package 5 and makes a major contribution to Work-Package 7 with Dr Paul Davis as GERONTE exploitation manager.
Participant 11
myPatientSpace, a leading digital health company based in Dublin, Ireland, was founded in late 2017 with a mission to enhance healthcare experiences and outcomes for patients worldwide. They provide scalable, configurable platform simplifies the development and scaling of remote patient monitoring solutions and pathways. This includes a patient app, clinical and admin portals, and integration with various devices and systems.
Role in Project: myPatientSpace provides many features to support collaboration with patients and optimize clinical pathways for staff. myPatientSpace is leader of work-package 2 and is certified as a medical device, ensuring our commitment to the highest standards of safety and efficacy.
External Stakeholder Advisory Board
Due to the high level of health system organisation transformation underlying the GERONTE project, and the need for regular insight from a diverse group of stakeholders with different needs, the GERONTE External Stakeholder Advisory Board (ESAB) is set up and operated to share its knowledge and expertise with the consortium of the project in key stages of its implementation.
The overall purpose of the ESAB is :
To act as a consultation body for the GERONTE consortium by providing valuable feedback aimed at aligning project outcomes with the needs of their users and stakeholders. It may include advice about methodology, clinical trial performance, digital device development, health economic analyses and potential key decisions depending on the outcome of the project, dissemination of results ;
To collect insights contributing to the multi-actor approach and fostering communication, dissemination and societal uptake;
To bring in scientific and practical knowledge and recommendations, and help disseminate the results in the long term.
Currently the GERONTE External Stakeholder Advisory Board comprises the following members